Sunday, June 10, 2007

Society's Need for 12 Step

What the hell is wrong with us? I called my mom a few days ago and she was ticked off because Paris Hilton and her return to jail was dominating the airways. FOX NEWS: Paris. CNN NEWS: Paris. ABC local news: Paris. Do I blame this on Rupert Murdoch who I truly believe sees it his duty to control as much of the news as possible? Does he want us to forget that a mess of a war is taking place in Afghanistan and Iraq? Does he want us to forget congress' botched attempt at immigration reform? As much as I'd like to blame that jerk with the media's fascination with Paris and Bradgelina, I'm afraid the problem is with us. We are like addicts that need a good AA program. We are in denial. If we slow down, if we admit our powerlessness, we think the wheels will come off the train we all ride. However, that is exactly what we need. Our world is in a whole lot of trouble- Iraq, Sudan, the environment, New Orleans, etc. I don't have any answers. I'm mad. I get frustrated that our government is so inept that it can't help Katrina survivors and when the next disaster takes place I expect the same mismanagement of money and resources. Will they ever mess up so bad that we demand them all to go home or reform? I believe the day is coming. In the mean time maybe we can demand more of our media sources and more of ourselves. We could stop caring about the Hiltons and start singing the praises of our Troops and those that preach peace and solid solutions.

I'm glad Paris is in jail again. I hope she returns to her mansion a little more like Mother Theresa than her old posing self. I heard this morning on Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood, that she actually said she hoped the media would turn its focus to more important events like the War in Iraq. I hope she meant it. Then maybe I'd care.

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