Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Too busy to love

"How is it my God, that you have given me this hectic life and so little time to enjoy your presence? All day, people are waiting to speak to me, and even during meals I have to keep talking to people about their concerns and needs. During sleep itself I am still dreaming about the problems that await me tomorrow. I am doing all of this for you, not for myself. My way of life is more tormenting than reward and I only that for you it is a gift of love. I know you are always beside me, yet I become so busy that I forget you and ignore you. If you want me to keep up this pace, please make me think about you and love you, even during the most hectic activity. If you do not want me to be so busy, please release me from it and teach me how others can take over some of my responsibilities."

Sister Teresa, 16th Century Carmelite Nun

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