Sunday, June 10, 2007

Duck Tony!

I have a confession to make. I love the Sopranos. The HBO series is the most well-written show I've ever seen on TV. I've watched from the start. Remember those days, Tony? Who coulda guessed so many people whacked? I've enjoyed the weaving in of the psychology and even spirituality from time to time amidst all the violence and stuff that a Baptist minister should probably be blogging against. But man-o-man I love the show. I have loved and hated Tony and other characters on the show. They all struggled for something higher, and all have failed. We'll see if Tony fails tonight and you gotta think he will. I also find the show quite funny. All the misspeaks that Tony and others gave without cracking a smile. Here is one as an example: (Tony speaking to his therapist about his son A.J., paraphrased) "My son oughta be out there getting laid, instead he's at home watching cartoons in a fetus position!" HA! a fetus position! That's great. He can whack people but he is dumb as a tire tool.
Tony, alive or dead, I'm gonna miss you in a weird sort of way. You should have never killed Christopher though he was on his way out anyway. It was the ultimate sin. Some things are more important than being the boss. I guess now I'll have to watch John from Cincinnati.


the family guy of FBC said...

Did you like the ending?

subaruman said...

No, I would have rather he died running through a mudddy swamp or something. I liked parts of it. They did have me stressed out at the end. I don't think anything happened. No explosion. Mobsters don't do suicide bombings--it's not their freakin' nature.